Dearest Friends in the FMA,
Please forgive me if I am unable to make this email as personal as I would like, as there are so many of you I must send emails to. I would like to invite you to the International Modern Arnis Summer Camp in Brevard this year, from June 14-18, 2006, which is just over a month away. I would like so much to see you again, for a get-together at this year's summer camp. Those of you I haven't met yet, but whose email addresses have reached me through the cyber-connections of the FMA, I would like the pleasure of meeting you and training together.
I hope to see you in Brevard, and that you would especially like to attend my sessions. I have great things to share with you, rare weapons like the "sanggot" (Philippine Ilonggo hooked blade) and the "Ipit-pilipit" (squeeze and twist techniques). These weapons and techniques were taught to me by two of the most brilliant Modern Arnis masters we have in the Philippines today - GM Cristino Vasquez and Master Samuel Dulay - with whom I have trained for many years. I bring to you their warm wishes all the way from the Philippines, as well as wishes of success from IMAFP supervising master GM Rene Tongson, who is also one of my teachers.
See you soon in Brevard and, most hopefully, in the Philippines in July for the much-awaited FMA Festival and 1st Prof. Remy Presas Modern Arnis Memorial Camp.
Please write to me. I would be happy to hear from you.
Yours truly,
Guro Edessa Ramos
Mountain Martial Arts, Inc.
Guro Dee Childress (Mr. Dee)
185 Taladu Court
Brevard, NC 28712
(828) 884-7441
Please forgive me if I am unable to make this email as personal as I would like, as there are so many of you I must send emails to. I would like to invite you to the International Modern Arnis Summer Camp in Brevard this year, from June 14-18, 2006, which is just over a month away. I would like so much to see you again, for a get-together at this year's summer camp. Those of you I haven't met yet, but whose email addresses have reached me through the cyber-connections of the FMA, I would like the pleasure of meeting you and training together.
I hope to see you in Brevard, and that you would especially like to attend my sessions. I have great things to share with you, rare weapons like the "sanggot" (Philippine Ilonggo hooked blade) and the "Ipit-pilipit" (squeeze and twist techniques). These weapons and techniques were taught to me by two of the most brilliant Modern Arnis masters we have in the Philippines today - GM Cristino Vasquez and Master Samuel Dulay - with whom I have trained for many years. I bring to you their warm wishes all the way from the Philippines, as well as wishes of success from IMAFP supervising master GM Rene Tongson, who is also one of my teachers.
See you soon in Brevard and, most hopefully, in the Philippines in July for the much-awaited FMA Festival and 1st Prof. Remy Presas Modern Arnis Memorial Camp.
Please write to me. I would be happy to hear from you.
Yours truly,
Guro Edessa Ramos
Mountain Martial Arts, Inc.
Guro Dee Childress (Mr. Dee)
185 Taladu Court
Brevard, NC 28712
(828) 884-7441